Bones Day/No Bones Day Reads

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Winter is creeping up and many of us find that it’s often a 50/50 mix for whether we’ll wake up with boundless energy to tackle holiday tasks or if it’ll be a day to nest in bed while watching tv. THAT is what we refer to as a Bones/No Bones conundrum!

What the heck is a Bones Day/No Bones Day?

There’s an amazing geriatric pug on TikTok (owned by @jongraz) who provides us commoners with a daily reading for whether we’ll have a ‘bones day’ (full of energy! treat yourself! tackle hard things!) or a ‘no bones day’ (take it easy on yourself, stay in bed!).

When Noodle sits up and stays up, it’s time to rejoice and celebrate with our bones! But when Noodle declares that it’s not the type of day for sitting up vertically, we listen to his offered wisdom and take the day easy. 

Reads for those Bones Days

Reads for those No Bones Days

We have WAY more book picks for whatever type of day you’re having and they’re on display for the entire month. Drop by the 2nd floor to stock up on the perfect books to get you through the holiday season!