weekly columns

Citizen Science

Community-based environmental science, also called citizen science, relies on public input through volunteer action, to collect data in order to enact change in environmental aspects, including conservation, restoration, preservation, and environmental law and policy. Citizen science has been around since the 1990s when the internet exploded, and scientists learned they could request help from the […]

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April Staff Picks

We’ve made it through the winter, and whether you are looking to tune in with nature, seeking some emotional well-being, or just want to relax with a good book, the staff at CDPL are here to share some of their favorite reads that are all available at your library. All these staff picks are on […]

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Seed Library Comes to CDPL

The Crawfordsville District Public Library Seed Library opened its drawers in March with much fanfare and celebration. The seed library is simple to use. It is self-serve with no checkout or library card required. There is nothing to return! Just stop by the Reference Desk on the second floor and pick out your free seeds. […]

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weekly columns

National Poetry Month at CDPL

April is National Poetry Month, and if there’s one section of the public library that doesn’t get enough attention, it’s the poetry shelves. Seen as aloof, inaccessible, unrelatable–the stuff of groans and head-scratching from English class days gone by, poetry often gets a bad rap.  But here’s the thing. We live in fraught times–filled to […]

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weekly columns

Re-wild Your Imagination

As the world in all its verdant wonder awakens to another year of beauty and bounty (to say nothing, spring storms being what they are, of majesty and awe), we tip our hats to the planet during April. Earth Month’s celebrations reach their pinnacle on April 22, Earth Day. Still, the library offers resources aplenty […]

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weekly columns

College Scholarship and Grant Search

Are you college bound? Are you a graduating senior looking for financial aid options including scholarships and grants available at the Federal, State, and County level? Have you considered informational outlets for career education and advancement? You may start your search by looking at your degree program, local non-profits, and community foundations, or by asking […]

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weekly columns

Your Library and You

The public library is a repository of knowledge, freely available to everyone. At the Crawfordsville District Public Library, we strive to offer the most complete, up-to-date information possible on every subject, no matter how sensitive, so our patrons can be well-informed citizens of the world. We trust that our patrons can make their own decisions […]

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