weekly columns

More than books at the library!

blog Weekly columns
by Emma Lashley

by Emma Lashley

Emma Lashley is a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History Department at CDPL

The Crawfordsville Library is excited to announce its first step towards creating a library of things. We now have a collection of jigsaw puzzles that patrons of the library can check out. Over the years the library has amassed a rather large collection of puzzles, donated to us by generous community members. In a pre-COVID world we had these puzzles out on the second floor of the library for people to work on during their visits to the library. But, over the last year we haven’t been able to offer this opportunity, and we wanted an alternate way to bring the joy of puzzles to our patrons. So, we have decided to create a collection of puzzles that visitors can take home with them.

You check the puzzles out exactly as you would a book or any other material from our collection. Just come into the library and take a look at our puzzle collection on the second floor. The puzzles are in bags hanging on a very colorful display (you won’t be able to miss it). We have a variety of themes to offer in our collection: landscapes, animals, toys and a covered bridge puzzle for you to choose from. Once you find a puzzle you like, simply take it to the circulation desk downstairs and they will check it out to you just like it was a book. You can keep the puzzles for 28 days. Then once you’ve completed the puzzle simply bring it back to the library and return it like you would a book and pick out a new puzzle to complete! We hope that as we head toward colder weather, these puzzles will be a fun activity that individuals and families can enjoy building together in their homes. 

If you have any questions about our newest collection or any other materials we offer, send us an email at ref@cdpl.lib.in.us or give us a call at (765)362-2242. You may also check out what’s new at the library by following us on Instagram (CrawfordsvilleLibrary) or Face Book (CvillePL). Interested in receiving news directly into your inbox? Sign-up for Wowbrary, CDPL’s newsletter, available on our website www.cdpl.lib.in.us.